Cyprus: How Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture can be an Agent for Peace in Cyprus ­− ­Bicommunal Scientific Meeting, Nicosia ­− 2nd December 2022

The Home for Cooparation in the UN buffer zone in Nicosia (left)

Date: 02.12.22
Time: 10:00 – 14:00
Venue: Home for Cooparation, Nicosia, Cyprus
Welcome: (10:00 – 10:10)
Nuri Silay, Cyprus Green Deal
Food Security and Self-Sufficiency (10:10 – 10:50)
Philosophy “From Farm to Fork – the Heart of the Green Deal”, Pantelis Sophocleous
The Impact of Agriculture on the Environment, Alice Anders, Biocyclic Vegan International
Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture”(10:50 – 11:30)
Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture − An Approach to Purely Plant-Based Organic Farming” Axel Anders, Biocyclic Vegan International
Natural Soil Regeneration through Biocyclic Vegan Agriculture and Biocyclic Humus Soil, Dr agr. Johannes Eisenbach, Panhellenic Biocyclic Vegan Network

Discussion (11:30 – 12:00)

From Farm to Fork (12:00 – 13:30)
Bio Olive Oil Production, Celal Arap, Ecolive, Ayia Marina Kyreneia
Bio Avocado for a New Agricultural Strategy” Andreas Kelepessis, local farmer, Kato Pyrgos Tyllirias
Production of bread, chocolate and other products from carob, Tağmaç Çankaya, Casa Caravan
Mediterranean Cuisine: Delicious and Healthy Food, Dr Panos Platritis, Limassol

Discussion (13:30 – 14:00)

The conference is oranised by: Cyprus Green Deal

For more information please contact:

Alice Anders, Pantelis Sophocleus, Dr. agr. Johannes Eisenbach and Nuri Silay after the conference.